Saturday, 14 September 2013

Nature & Data Management

For our Data Management unit, we did a Nature Scavenger Hunt and collected items on the list. Some of the items were difficult for students to read, but we worked together to make sure that everyone collected everything and checked each item off of the list.

We all started with the same list, but everyone's items were just a little bit different. Next, students sorted and categorized their items. We talked about how they were already sorted into one category, Nature Items. Their task was to sort and categorize them in to 2 or 3 different categories and to label them accordingly.

I used the Three Ring app to take a photo and tag each student's work so that we will have a record of their work to compare at the end of the unit. I made a quick slideshow of the work and students  discussed the photos (with a reminder that we were looking at the work and not a particular student - no names were visible) to answer the following questions:

1) Was the work sorted in 2 or 3 categories?
2) Were the categories labeled?
3) What was the sorting rule used? (Difference between an attribute and characteristic discussed)
4) What is something great about the work?
5) What is one thing that could be improved?

We discussed that even though we started with the same Scavenger Hunt List, each student organized their items in a different, but meaningful way (Big Idea).

Then we co-created success criteria. Students felt that good work would need to have a title, that the work should be neat, we should check our spelling, we should follow instructions carefully, etc.

Next, we will use the Co-Created Success Criteria to sort and classify some different classroom items.

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